Are You Ready for Some Socially Distant Fun?


happy friends handing out outside with masks

Temperatures are finally creeping up and after months of being cooped up in the house, you probably can’t wait to go outside and hang out with your friends. 

While there may be a few activities that aren’t available due to the pandemic, there are still a lot of socially distant ways to have fun.  Check out a few ideas below: 

Outdoor Dance Session 

Did you miss showing off your best moves at Homecoming?  Have 5 or 6 of your friends meet you in your backyard or at a local park for quick dance party! Bring a tablet so you can take a dance class from one of these popular YouTubers or from the breakdance group Hip Hop Fundamentals.

Recess Games 

You may be going to school virtually, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring your fond elementary school recess memories back to life. Get your friends together outside to play your favorite recess games like dodgeball, kickball, four square, shadow tag, and red light green light, just to name a few. 


If you live near a hiking trail, or a National Park, this is arguably one of the best times of year to visit with your friends. It’s not too hot, plus you can probably get a lot of cool photos of budding flowers and wildlife (while from a safe distance) to post online. 

Sidewalk Chalk Mural 

Looking for something to do outside, but don’t feel like working up a sweat? How about creating a chalk mural with your friends? All you need is an available sidewalk and colorful chalk. Put your creativity on display! 

Up Your Camera Skills 

Do you miss taking pictures of your friends? Set up a time to meet them somewhere cool outdoors – like a skatepark or in front of a mural – and take photos or videos. Experiment with all of the different settings that you don’t use too often – like time lapse, pano, portraits and others – and see how creative you can get! 


Looking for more ways you can have drug-free fun?
Check out our ‘Living Drug Free’ page!