#NDAFW is March 20 - March 26, 2023


National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (also known as NDAFW) is a national health observance linking teens to science based facts to SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs

Held every year since 2010, NDAFW brings teens and scientific experts together to discuss the scientific facts about drugs, as well as their potential health effects on teen bodies and brains. 

The week-long observance will be held March 20 - March 26, 2023.


Looking for ways to get involved? Check out a few below!

  • Create a #MyWhyNDAFW Short Video 
    Share your why or motivation for adopting healthy behaviors for mind and body.
  • Share your #MyWhyNDAFW with this sign.
    Print, fill it out, and if you would like, share your motivation for joining the conversation on social media using #NDAFW or #MyWhyNDAFW.


Learn more on NIDA's website.


NIDA National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week Resources


National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week logo

National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® is coming soon!  Get the facts about drugs and alcohol.


events graphicFind out what National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week events are taking place near you.