(The NIDA Blog Team) You may be seeing products for sale that contain something called CBD—products like oils, lotions, gummy candy, and more. Maybe you’ve heard that CBD has something to do with marijuana, and that these products can do amazing things: reduce pain and anxiety, help a person sleep, and many others.
Let’s look at some facts. What is CBD, and does it really have any benefits for people’s health?
Small amounts, big claims
CBD stands for cannabidiol (pronounced ca-nuh-bi-DYE-ol). It’s what scientists call the “non-psychoactive” ingredient in marijuana and hemp. That means it doesn’t make a person high.
CBD is typically found in very small amounts in the marijuana plant. It’s one of over 100 chemicals called cannabinoids.
Unlike THC, the chemical in marijuana that causes the high, there are no known harms of taking CBD on its own. But what about those amazing health claims? Read the rest on NIDA's website.