DEA Red Ribbon Patch Program


The 2016 Red Ribbon Patch Program started on July 5, 2016 and ends on November 14, 2016.  Thank you to all of the past participants. Only the first qualifying 15,000 Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts will be awarded a patch!

The DEA Red Ribbon Patch Program is designed to provide Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts the opportunity to earn a patch from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) by performing anti-drug activities in celebration of Red Ribbon Week, October 23-31.

This initiative seeks to empower young people to create, embrace, and strengthen their drug free beliefs.

Video still of Red Ribbon Patch program

Watch this video to learn more about the Red Ribbon Patch Program.

How do you earn the DEA Red Ribbon Patch?


  • Each Scouting unit or troop must coordinate a Red Ribbon Week activity in their community or school
  • Each Scout must attend a drug prevention education session
  • Each Scout must take the DEA Drug Free Pledge
  • The Scout leader must submit the Activity Report by November 14, 2016

Red Ribbon Patch Program Toolkit for Scout Leaders

Red Ribbon Press ReleaseRed Ribbon Public Service AnnouncementRed Ribbon FlyerRed Ribbon Drug Free PledgeRed Ribbon Certificate of ParticipationScout Leader Activity Report FormRed Ribbon Media Waiver Agreement Scout Leaders: read the Red Ribbon Patch Program Implementation Guide