VIDEO: Meet Billy
Meet Billy Transcript
This video is illustrated and uses music.
[Image on the screen]
Just Think Twice. You’ve heard the fiction. Now learn the facts.
[Text is shown]
Meet Billy.
[Screen shifts to an image]
Identification card featuring a male named Billy.
[The image is replaced with text]
“He is a high school senior.”
[An image representing school is shown]
A school desk
[The image is replaced with text]
“He got a B on his Physics project.”
[An image representing a science experiment is shown.]
Fruit with wires
[The image is replaced with text]
“He is saving up for a car.”
[An image is used to illustrate the car]
A picture of a car with the text “Sweet”
[The image is replaced with text]
“He loves his dog, Charlie.”
[An illustration of a dog replaces the text]
Picture of the dog Charlie
[Text replaces the image]
“Billy plays shortstop on the baseball team.”
[An illustration replaces the text]
Baseball glove
[Text returns to the screen]
“So well that he earned a college scholarship.”
[An illustration appears]
A graduation cap with tassel and diploma
[Text replaces the image]
“Billy’s pretty social.”
[An image appears]
An illustration of a megaphone
[The image is replaced with text]
“ And just like you. . .”
“. . .Billy will be faced with difficult decisions. . .”
“. . .When Billy gets invited to parties.”
[An image is used to illustrate a party invitation]
Cell phone with text message on screen that reads “party @ 10 robs basement”
[The image is replaced with text]
“Billy thinks twice. . .”
“. . . He knows what might be at these parties. . .”
“. . . Huffing, dope, weed, coke, pills, DXM, ‘shrooms.”
“Billy knows a lot about drugs. Do you?”
“. . . Billy carefully considers. . .”
“The dangers.”
“He knows that drugs have consequences.
Make him lazy
Cause health problems
Bad teeth”
[An image is used to illustrate a mouth]
A picture of gums with missing teeth and tartar
[The image is replaced with text]
“So many risks. . .”
“He could get kicked off the baseball team.”
[An image replaces the text]
Baseball bat is shown along with a ringing phone.
[The image is replaced with text]
“That means no more scholarship. No more college. . .”
“He could harm others.”
[An image and new text appear]
Car flipped over in flames with text that reads “Not sweet.”
[The image is replaced with text]
“Billy gets it.”
“Billy skips parties where drugs are.”
“Billy always thinks twice.”
“You should think about it. . .”
“. . . & then think about it again.”
[Screens reverse in motion and land on the initial screen which features the text:]
“Just Think Twice. You’ve heard the fiction. Now learn the facts.”