Enrique "Kiki" Camarena

Who was Enrique “Kiki” Camarena?

Check out this photo timeline to learn more about the life of Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena.

teen girl and cocaine

Ask the Docs: About Cocaine

How does cocaine affect your brain? Can using cocaine cause seizures? Can using cocaine once be deadly? Find out how doctors answered these questions about cocaine from teens.

Fentanyl powder

Five Quick Facts: Carfentanil

Carfentanil is a dangerous factor in the nation’s opioid crisis. See five quick facts about the drug.

teen with questions above head

Ask the Docs: About Heroin

What exactly is heroin? And how is it different from legal drugs? Students asked, and doctors answered these questions and more during NIDA’s “Chat Day.”

boy holding pills

Ask the Docs: About Steroids

Is ‘roid rage’ a real thing? Can steroids cause you to lose your hair? Find out the answers to these questions and more.

Ask the Docs: About Inhalants

Earlier this year, NIDA hosted it's annual “Chat Day” – a live online chat between teens and NIH scientists. See more student questions and doctor answers about inhalants.

teen boy talking to doctor

Ask the Docs: About Marijuana

At their annual 'Chat Day,' the National Institute on Drug Abuse gave students across the country a chance to ask doctors anything about drugs. Find out what you really want to know about marijuana.

person rolling joint

High Schoolers and Weed

Research from Canada tells us how weed can change your attitude towards school.