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Chat Day: Your Drug Questions Answered

Every year, the National Institute on Drug Abuse hosted its annual Chat Day – an event where teens ask any drug-related question they want and get answers from scientists.

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What is Addiction?

Learn everything you need to know about addiction through these videos produced by the Addiction Policy Forum.

Saying No to drugs

Youth Drug Use is Down

The rate of lifetime drug use among teens has actually been decreasing the past few years.

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Twitter Chat: Q&A about Drugs and More

Ahead of National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week, Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) hosted a Twitter question and answer session with a few government agencies.  

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Vaping: What You Should Know

According to a study, vaping (the use of electronic cigarettes) is pretty popular among teens. But it’s probably more dangerous than you think.

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U.S. Drug Overdoses Soar Past 60,000

In 2016, there were more than 63,000 deadly drug overdoses in the nation, according to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Marijuana: Likelihood of Getting a Job and Marriage Plummet for Teens Who Smoke

(Newsweek, November 7) Marijuana and alcohol use had a particularly negative effect on teenage boys.